Monday, February 25, 2013

Edinburgh was Awesome!

I have made it back to Liverpool! Edinburgh was an amazing experience that I wouldn't change at all.  I made a ton of new friends from all over the world.  We had laughs out the wazoo and stayed up till the wee hours of the night.  I honestly can say that the views from all over the city were spectacular.  However, a little tid bit of information from my walking tour made looking at the old buildings a little awkward.  I think I may have mentioned this before that the filth from the old days would fly around in the wind and stick to the monuments.  It just kept reoccurring to me every time I went out sightseeing.  My thought process went something along the lines of  "Oh that's pretty! ...And kinda black. oh wait hahahaha gross."

The castle is really cool but I would not go on a really cold day.  It's mostly outside.  Also, don't bother with an audio kit.  Not worth your money.  I would actually say that the castle has much more meaning if you're actually interested in the Scottish military history.  For me the most interesting part was the Stone of Destiny (most epic name ever) and the crown jewels.  This however may be because I have been to so many museums lately that I'm on history and art overload.  Many really cool random facts about Edinburgh and just a really fun city to visit in general.  If you're of Scottish decent, then figure out your history before going.  Pretty cool to see my clan stuff!

It's a short blog but an update none the less.  There isn't much happening right now, just hanging out with people around Liverpool a lot.  Going to see the last remaining sights that need seeing.  Love you all and thanks for reading!

Love and pixels,

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