Saturday, January 19, 2013

Hello wonderful readers!  It's been a few days since we talked last.  Well, in the past few days I've done some exploring and  learning.  It's probably going to be easier to sort everything out in my head by the days. Here you go!

I walked into town with Kim and Leah since they already had to go there for a meeting.  Their  meeting was in the World Museum of Liverpool.  I have to say, one of my favorite aspects of English museums is that most are free.  So lovely and you get so see so much more!  While the girls were in their meeting, I roamed the museum.  On the first floor of five there's an aquarium.  It was really nice to look through and see the differences in how museums across the world display their goods.  For example, I'm used to aquariums being huge tanks with plenty of species inside.  In the displays here, there are a lot of much smaller tanks.  Of course this makes sense for different animals from various habitats.  Still, it was interesting to me.  This particular museum was also darker than I'm used to.
Now after the aquarium I planned on seeing a lot more levels and headed up to the top floor featuring the planetarium, time, space and a cafe.  Downstairs I had been feeling a bit hungry and decided to pick something up.  Once I got to the cafe, which was conveniently the first thing you pass through, I ended up staying there.  Holy crap was I hungry!  I realized so far all I had eaten was two pieces of toast.  Resigned to my hunger, I sat down and enjoyed a jacket potato.  Which is a baked potato.  I was pleasantly surprised when it came with a salad, very nice to have fresh food.  After my long lunch with a beautiful view, Kim and Leah found me and it was time to go to their university.

Kim and I went off to meet Laura at uni while Leah went shopping for shoes.  Their university is small but nice.  It's a separate campus from the main one but it has a lost of nice facilities for the creative arts.  I met a few friends from university but we weren't really there very long.  The school buildings were in very nice old buildings and so beautiful to look at.

For the rest of the afternoon and beginning of the evening, Laura, Kim and I walked around the city center and shopped galore.  I was just taking everything in and buying things that I needed.  Speaking of which, I got a cell phone that works in England! So excited to be able to contact my English friends!  We went to so many shops and I loved them all.  I LOVE English fashion!!

Leah met up with us for dinner and we went out to a bar/ restaurant called The Font.  It was very delicious and I enjoyed it so much.  As a result of an extremely stimulating day and walking almost 6-7 miles, I passed out when we got home.

Very low key.  I stayed in a bit and we relaxed.  At the end of the day all of us went to the movies and saw The Hobbit.  I met Danny and Josh who are more friends.  They're very nice guys and a bundle of fun to hang out with!

I went into town with Laura after meeting up with her at school.  On the way to meet Laura I took some photos of town and buildings that interested me.  There were some great old buildings over grown and rundown.

The picture of the building below is of the local hospital.  Personally, I think it looks more like a concentration camp than a comforting hospital.  Complete with a morbid church to mourn in right next to it.

We went to the World Museum again and saw the rest of it.  It's a lot smaller than museums I've been to before but Laura assured me that it really was a small museum.  Apparently Liverpool has a lot of small museums in general.  After the World Museum we went to the Art Museum.  There were a lot of huge paintings as is usual for that type of a museum.  However I really enjoyed a lot of them.  There were a few intriguing items or things that really caught my eye.  A lot of the sculptures and pottery really grabbed my attention and appreciation.  After being in a ceramics class, I am able to appreciate the skill level needed to make such wonderful pieces.

There was this one ceramic peacock that I absolutely adored.  I took some pictures for you all.  The detail isn't that great because I didn't have very good lighting to work with.  But trust me when I say the detail was amazing.

The picture of the painting below is one that I want you all to look at big.  If you can't see it big, click on it to blow it up.  For Laura and me, the more we looked at it the more we saw.  We backed away from it pretty far then walked closer.  Enjoy!

Now this picture (below) is pretty crazy.  I'm pretty sure that my first reaction when seeing it was a gaping mouth.  That is a wedding dress made out of human hair and the whole thing weighs 37lbs!  I mean who does that?!  Considering the concept, it is very pretty and well done.

After the museums, Laura and I went shopping again, as any proper young lady does.  We have had an absolute blast walking around and going into stores trying things on, even if we buy barely anything.  It was really cold and windy so we headed home and stayed there the rest of the night.

The day started off with everyone freaking out because there was 1-2 inches of snow on the ground.  Apparently that's a lot.  I just laughed at them the whole time.  Then it came to walking on the snow and ice and it was their turn to laugh at me.  I can't do that for my life.  Laura, Kim and I went into town again just to have fun and shop shop shop!  Then Kim's parents came into town to see her sister graduate and take Kim out for her birthday dinner.  Her birthday is on Sunday but they went out last night instead.  Leah was gone at her cousin's birthday party all night so it was just Laura and I at home.  We invited over her friend Josh and cooked dinner.  To cook dinner we had to go out and get a few supplies.  When I was walking down the street, these little punks threw snow/ice balls at me.  Thank god they don't know how to properly pack those because I would be very pissed.  After we got home, Josh came over and we all ate then watched Black Swan.

It's been a great week and tonight we're going to Leah's 21st birthday party tonight.  Tomorrow is
 Kim's 21st which we will be celebrating next weekend.  I'm sure there is more to share with you all but I can't think of  anything more right now.  Not sure when the next blog will be but it should be up within the week.  Feel free to leave comments!

Love and pixels,

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